Invited speaker for Chartered Institute of Housing Asian Pacific Branch Annual Conference

Dr. Hou and her PhD student - Lan Haifeng attended and presented at the 57th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association (ASA) at Griffith University.

Dr. Hou presented at the KCE2024 Conference in Korea

Dr. Hou is funded by Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF)

EURO FM 2023

Dr. Hou was invited by HKIE to give a speech at the HKIE-BSE Division One-day Seminar

Research on Students' Perception of Classroom Indoor Environment with VR Technology

Introducing an Interactive VR Experience for Education on Thermal Comfort

Experiments on Thermal Comfort (Taking Thermal Images for Data Collection)

Developing Flipped Micro-module to Facilitate Sustainable Engineering Education

Green Building 360 VR Tour

Smart HVAC Controller

Binocular Computer Vision-based Human Dynamic Detection in Classroom

Machine Learning-led Investigation on Human-environment Interactive Effect on Classroom Thermal Comfort

Dr. Cynthia HOU giving a talk at Wuhan University

Enhancing Indoor Thermal Comfort Education: A Virtual Reality Platform Introducing Fanger’s Model

Dr. Cynthia Hou was invited as the panel speaker for the RICS Hong Kong Conference 2024 @ Kerry Hotel


Evaluating the Effects of Greenery on Human Thermal Comfort in University Campus Open Spaces: An Augmented Reality (AR) Approach

VR Platform For indoor THermal Comfort Education
virtual reality in classroom design
ZS829 Block Z
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Phone: +852 2766 5836
Email: cynthia.hou@polyu.edu.hk