Digital Transformation of Shopping Mall Operation
Hou, H. C. (2023). Factors influencing smart facilities management–Stakeholder perspectives and the implication. Journal of Building Engineering, 106959.
Smart facilities management (FM), which embraces innovative solutions, integrates the operation of the city, the built environment and the people to achieve social, economic and environment sustainability. While previous studies investigated how to improve the smartness at the city and building levels, very few studies examined the application of smart technologies at the industry level. As FM industry connects the city and the buildings, its role in facilitating smart city development should be reinforced. This study depicts a smart FM ecosystem, on which a mixed method investigation into smart technologies application in the FM industry was conducted. The investigation is divided into two parts: in-depth interviews and an industry survey with FM professionals. Based on the findings from the interviews, a questionnaire was designed for survey implementation. The Kruskal–Wallis H test, AHP-based ranking, factor analysis and path analysis methods were used to analyse the survey results. A total of 14 factors were identified, along with their importance rankings, and were consolidated into three key factors. To illustrate the key factors and their relationships, an example of implementation of the EV-charging at Home Subsidy Scheme is provided.
This video provides an animated explanation of the categories and applications of smart tools in shopping mall management.